We celebrated Oscar's 3rd birthday this weekend with family and had a great time. We feel so blessed to be near both sides of the family, and that Oscar can grow up with his cousins and be spoiled by his grandparents and aunts and uncles. I figured since I did next to nothing for his 2nd birthday, I should try and make this one a bit more special, especially since he's old enough now to understand what a birthday party means. I tried to keep it simple with just a few decorations but it still took me a couple evenings to prepare, and I'm not so sure Oscar cared all that much about the decor. He hardly noticed or would at most ask why those paper balls were hanging there. Maybe he'll appreciate it when he's older and looking back at pictures, but at least I had fun with it! I loved seeing the expression on his face when we all gathered around to sing him happy birthday. And naturally he was more interested in the frosting than the cake, and his favorite part was opening his presents of course!
November 25, 2012
oscar is 3!
Labels: celebrations, life, the boys
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super love the garland! are you going to post a tutorial on that? actually, any plans to sell your decorations for the non-crafty helpless moms out there (namely me)? ;) oscar is a very lucky birthday boy!
Aww, everything turned out beautifully!
You're too humble to toot your own horn, but I think it should be noted that your "simple crafting" included hand gluing and constructing the tediously intricate honeycomb balls in gray . . . which I think are on par with their store-bought brethren. Seriously amazing work and major extra credit points for attempting that!
Pretty decorations! Happy Birthday sweet little one.
still can't believe you made the balls! =) decorations are beautiful and oscar is totally lucky ... lol cuz i'd go with just balloons hahaa - c
um, I'm sorry... what?? you made those balls yourself?! I don't know if I'm more amazed by that or that Oscar is three! although I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you would go and make your own honeycomb balls. and I guess I should be less surprised at the passage of time.
happy birthday, Oscar!! your mom and I need to hang out ASAP!
Haha okay - I only made the 2 silver/gray honeycomb balls! I managed to find the others locally. Also, I would've just ordered them online except that I didn't start thinking about the decor until 5 days before!
you'll have to forgive my english because I'm french but i wanted to thank you.I've ordered your 2013 calendar from the french online shop"merci ginette" and I'm absolutely in love with it!the design,the colours,everything!and when I look at your pinterest,I guess we have pretty much the same taste...thanks again!
@emma - Thank you! I'm so glad you like my wall calendar. I'll have to look for you on pinterest :)
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