August 1, 2008


This is the last weekend of the letterpress class, so it's a big printing weekend. We submitted designs to be made into plates earlier this week, and we'll be printing all day Saturday and Sunday. There are about 10 people in the class, and only 2 presses, so press time is limited. The number of colors is also limited, and we vote on the colors we want so that we're not wasting too much time cleaning the press. Below are some shots from last weekend's class. The last one is a little poster print I did using only wood type. I printed about 20 and plan on putting them into the shop sometime next week.

drawers of type

wood type

printing on the vandercook

first print

Life has been crazy but fun with little Charlie in the household. It feels like we have a baby. We talk about her poo and have to get up in the middle of the night to check on her. And there's been much less blogging and blog-reading since Charlie's arrival, as most of our evenings are now spent playing with her. I uploaded a couple more pictures of her to my Charlie flickr set, so click on over if you need a dose of cuteness. Have a great weekend all!


Krissy | Paper Schmaper said...

I'm so jealous of your class! Gorgeous photos too, you could sell those as prints of the prints :)

Charlie is a cutie pie, and I totally know what you mean by it's like having a child in the house. Our puppy is just over a year and I'm so glad she's calmed down a bit. Happy weekend.

kLa said...

You are so lucky! Letterpress looks like so much fun. It's something I've always wanted to learn, but it's not too popular here in Hawaii so we don't have classes like this. I hope you have lots of fun!

Mariana said...

great pictures of the press. Must be quite an interesting class.
I remember when we got a puppy...they become for a while sort of a child. THey absorve your attention... and then you get a real baby, a baby baby... and you realize that your attention is not absorved by consumed by this new little one. :) Good luck with the class and the puppy, which is super cute by the way!

Traci said...

I'm so glad that you've had such a great experience with the class (and still so bummed that I didn't get to take it with you...). I cannot wait to see your final prints!

And I'm going to be checking your store daily because I so want one of those prints!

Laura said...

Your prints and photographs from your class are beautiful! I love how these types of printing take you right back to basics and give you a totally different quality of print.

As for Charlie, she is beautiful! I was the same when Pablo joined our lives, it is like having a new baby. I didn't get to blog for about a month until we all got into our new routine. The time passes so quickly, make the most of playing and swooning over her :)

AMM blog said...

What lovely photos! Is there anything you don't do well?!

Wendy said...

Thank you all for the kind words! I can't wait to show you guys all the stuff I printed and more about the class. And as for Charlie, she seriously is just like a baby. Sounds like I'm not alone in this! I really do want to enjoy this puppyness as much as possible while it lasts :)

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see everything you've made in the class! That sounds so, so fun. I'd love to learn how to letterpress! And Charlie is UBER CUTE!

cornelia said...

charlie is soooooo cute, love the sleeping pictures

Anonymous said...

OMG that is the cutest puppy I've ever seen, and I've seen a lot of cute puppies!