October 28, 2009

2010 pocket planners!

Finally.. they're in the shop! I'll try to keep them in stock for as long as I can, but expect that I'd have to close the shop for a bit when the baby arrives. It's been over 6 months since I've updated my shop, it feels so good to be doing this again!


AMM blog said...

Oh, I love these!
I wish you could print these patterns onto fabric-they'd be irresistible!

insaknitty said...

eee!!! I love the colors you went with! they're so happy. :D and the designs are really fun too. I am trying really hard to not think about how close we are to 2010, tho. at least the cute will help soften the blow. heehee.

Wendy said...

J - boy would i love to turn these into fabric! one day, one day!

sooz - yeah, i can't seem to stay away from gray, yellow, and teal-y blue.. but i'm glad i'm not the only one still into those colors! and sigh.. 2010! crazy!

Rita said...

lovely! :)

cornelia said...

wow the year has flown! =\ but i love the planners hehee esp the blue ones. hahaa

SimplyGrove said...

Love them!! So cute. xx