July 21, 2008

Typesetting (and yellow kiwis)

I'm taking a 4-day letterpress class and the first class was this past Saturday. We learned about typesetting and had a chance to try it out and proof some prints. Next week we'll be able to print on the real presses. I've always loved letterpress for its textural quality, but learning about what people used to do to print a page of text, and seeing all the drawers of physical type just took my appreciation to the next level. Seriously amazing stuff.


We went to my parents' for dinner last night, and look what my mom bought. They taste a bit milder than normal kiwis. Yum.

yellow kiwis


anita said...

sounds exciting! =) happy for you that you get to explore new things. we must catch up soon!

Anonymous said...

oh, FUN! i saw some old letter press letters at an antique shop the other day, and it made me want to learn the process. how exciting!

Krissy | Paper Schmaper said...

What fun! I wish we had letterpress classes in the area. I am on the brink of purchasing one soon, but will have to learn on my own with the help of some press friends :)

AMM blog said...

I've never seen yellow kiwis before...cool!

Traci said...

Hi Wendy! I really wish I could have taken the class with you. It sounds like you're having a great time. And I seriously can't wait to see what sort of amazing and beautiful things you create!

Yay for letterpress!

Amy Kerr-Menz said...

Yum & yum! (to both the yellow kiwis and typesetting). I just LOVE type...in all forms. And the lovely old wooden typesetting pieces are exquisite. I'd love to see some of your work with the typesetting press :)