October 1, 2012

goodbye summer

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I can't quite believe it's October already -- didn't the year just start? Already I'm missing the long days. We got some nice warm temperatures this weekend though. As you can see, the cars got a bath, and Oscar had fun helping. Oscar's legs are also finally long enough to reach the pedals on his tricycle, so he's been riding around the back yard a lot.

Fall also means that it's time to get the shop in order.  I've been working on the 2013 wall calendar and planners and hope to have them up in the shop in the next couple of weeks, so stay tuned!


  1. I LOVE your photos!
    The first one is so full of joy!
    Here in Finland summer has been long gone, but I love the crisp autumn weather and beautiful yellow and orange colours everywhere.

  2. how are the boys so big already?? I love how serious Oscar looks scrubbing your car. haha. so cute!! I can't wait for summer to end for reals. why is it so hot today?

  3. @frost - thank you!
    and susan, i know, they grow too fast! and yes the heat.. i think it starts cooling down again tomorrow?

  4. why are they so gosh darn cute?!
