August 28, 2012

neon pink

Untitled Untitled Untitled

It's funny how colors come in and out of style. I definitely wouldn't have been attracted to neon pink a couple of years ago but now I find it to be such a happy and refreshing pop of color. This pink mesh is part of the packaging for some Chinese rice noodles I was cooking the other day, and I found it so mesmerizing that I decided it should have its own little photo shoot.


  1. peeeeenk!! :D when I first saw the thumbnails of these on flickr, I thought maybe you knit a scarf. heehee.

  2. haha!! knitting.. sigh, I wonder when that'll happen?

  3. i looked at the photos and said to myself...i recognize that packaging! :)

  4. on the first picture i thought it was a scarf, but by the 2nd one i was like, hey isn't this for the cellophane noodles? hahaa - C

  5. So lovely, and something we've all cooked and discarded without a second thought. Beautiful to see it celebrated here through your lens, filled with such movement and life. Mifun elevated to art!
