June 25, 2012

making things

cookies beets bread

It's been nice getting back into making things with my hands as life resumes normalcy. I had fun packaging up these cookies as a little thank you for everyone who brought us meals in those early weeks after Ian's arrival. Aren't those beets pretty? I roasted them with a bit of oil, salt, and pepper and we had them with some fish Irving grilled. And that crusty bread - so good and so easy - really! I'm a lazy cook and generally only like to make things that are quick and easy. Recipe found here.


  1. So happy to see you back in the saddle, bringing your signature touches of beauty to the world! Welcome back, mama!

  2. That bread looks FANTASTIC! Thanks for sharing the recipe source. :)

  3. yay! welcome back into the swing of things =)

  4. Homemade bread is the best! Found your blog through Pinterest and I love it! Your boys are so cute too :)

  5. Goodness, I'm so impressed you've had time to repackage cookies as thank you gifts! Love the look of that crusty bread... which recipe did you use Wendy?
    Ronnie xo
