June 18, 2012

Ian's birth announcement

ian's birth announcement ian's birth announcement ian's birth announcement

Being the second kid, Ian usually gets the shaft. It doesn't help that his temperament seems to be more easygoing, so he's often ignored, poor guy. I thought I'd make it up to him by designing a nicer birth announcement. I wasn't feeling very creative after Oscar was born, so his announcement was pretty plain and boring. Overall, adjusting to Ian seems easier, mainly because I'm just more relaxed now that I know what I'm doing (for the most part!). Life is starting to feel more normal. I've re-opened the shop, and have been checking some big items off the to-do list. It feels nice.


  1. omg, it looks so pretty!
    you did a great job!!

  2. wow wen, that is one awesome birth announcment! so bright and cheery, and i love the patterning. did you design the onesie on ian?? that looks like your design!

  3. Looks great! Asher's temperament isn't as easy going... But I gave in to the pacifier! It's getting better. :) excited to start making his! :) yay for checking things off your list...

  4. so simple and lovely! the color and pattern are just perfect.

  5. Hi Wendy,
    I found your blog via Sweet Fine Day and I'm so stoked that I did! You have such a lovely space here. I absolutely adore this birth announcement card. I've always done pretty boring ones in the past but this might inspire me to do something more exciting next time! Perfect colours, pattern, photo and typeface!
    Ronnie xo
