March 26, 2013

more paris snapshots

paris 2013 paris 2013 paris 2013 paris 2013

Here are the last of the Instagrams from Paris. We're back now, and there's much we're missing about our time there, but it's so good to be home too. I felt the time pressure during our last week there, and wished we had just one more week to check everything off my list. I was happy though that we made it to the top of the Arc de Triomphe to enjoy the view of Paris sprawled out before us. If it weren't for the cold and a fussy baby I would've wanted to linger up there longer. I was seriously afraid I was going to drop my iPhone over the edge trying to get that last shot with cold hands and a squirmy baby strapped to my chest! I must say that I really, really love traveling this way - being in one place and taking things in slowly, wandering around making your own discoveries, and going back again and again to get your favorite pastry or cup of hot chocolate.

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