October 24, 2012

2013 planners

Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled Whew - the planners are finally in the shop! This is the first year I have weekly planners (top two photos), something that I'd been wanting to do for awhile but was always afraid to because of the time and extra cost. I finally figured that I should just try it and see how it goes. I'm not sure how many people use physical planners these days, but I find that sometimes it's nice to be able to flip open a planner to jot something down or look something up.


  1. Those weekly planners look awesome! Great job!

  2. These look WONDERFUL.

    Just added one to my wishlist <3

  3. thay are lovely, as usual!
    i think i couldn't live without my weekly planner! and yours look to be the perfect size ;)

  4. ooooh love the new weekly planners! =) c
