January 31, 2012


I celebrated my 34th birthday this past month and received some great gifts - the Moop Porter bag (with my big 32-week bump), and an Orla Kiely wallet. Thanks friends - you know who you are! The last photo shows a couple of little linen bags I made for some special girls. Working on them made me wish I was better about giving more handmade gifts.

This was a full month for us - a weekend in Monterey and a week in Hawaii (will share pictures soon!). And now there's only 2 more months before the baby comes!


  1. such great gifts!! happy birthday!

  2. YES! It makes me so happy to know you have an Orla wallet in your possession. :) And it's gorgeous!!!

    And Moop. Man, the love runs deep for Moop. Jen gave me their clutch for Christmas.

    And as usual, you look amazing. In stripey's, naturally. :)

  3. wow it is a bump! :) can't wait for baby! ~c

  4. Very lovely blog you have here...I totally agree with the handmade gifts. Maybe it's not having enough time but there's something so genuine about giving those kinds of gifts.

  5. That Moop bag is gorgeous!!
    You look adorable.
    Happy New Year and New Baby.
