November 2, 2011

uesugi farms

uesugi farms uesugi farms uesugi farms

We went with my brother's family to Uesugi Farms this past weekend. The weather was a sunny 80 degrees - oddly warm, especially considering the snow storms hitting the East. Oscar got to enjoy his first carousel ride, and was as usual very quiet and somber at first, as he often is with new experiences. I'm so glad to be living near family, and love that Oscar gets to grow up with his cousins.

Oh, and since we're on the topic of family - we're expecting! I'm about 18 weeks now, and will be finding out the sex this week. Can't wait.


  1. oh boy! congrats!!! i find out in 4 weeks... i was thinking girl, but now i am thinking boy. we will see!

  2. Hi Wendy, I wanted to let you know that some of your blog content appears to have been stolen by one of those "fake blogs". Here is a link to what appears to be stolen content.
    You can use Blogger's "report abuse" form, if you would like to submit a complaint. this "blogger" appears to have stolen content from a number of different sites, as well as my own...

  3. yay! soo excited, can't wait to meet baby #2! :) and Oscar looks so grown up!

  4. what is uesugi farms?? is this some place I must go? can't wait to find out about the baby! I can't believe you're already at 18 weeks... where has the time gone?
