November 27, 2011

thanksgiving weekend

SF photo session SF photo session SF photo session SF photo session SF photo session SF photo session SF photo session SF photo session

This past weekend we headed up to San Francisco with Traci and her family to take family photos for each other. The weather was perfect, and Traci and her husband Herman got some really great shots. The first two photos above are a just a couple of our favorites from the shoot.

oscar is 2 oscar is 2 oscar is 2

We also celebrated Oscar's 2nd birthday with family this weekend - just a cozy dinner with cake, balloons, and gifts afterwards. I love that he understands more now and seemed to really enjoy things like blowing out his candles and ripping open his presents.


  1. awww. happy birthday oscar! and love seeing the tummy =)

  2. happy birthday oscar! stay super cute! :D

  3. Yay! I can't wait to see your other favorites! :) We had such a great time with you guys.

    Happy 2nd little man! We love you!p

  4. super cute pictures wen! LOVE the green door pic with your cute baby bump. and happy happy birthday oscar! that an ice cream cake? i'll have to text/call you later about ish to get some updates on the exciting events going on today!!!

  5. You are clearly a person of enormous talent. Very nicely done.
