March 8, 2011

out and about

There's been a few sunny days here and there in the last month, so we've been able to take Oscar out and about more than usual. It helps too that he is down to one nap now so that we usually have a big chunk of time in the afternoon. He's been getting quite comfortable with walking around now, and hardly crawls anymore. It's strange seeing him upright most of the time, and it makes me happy and sad at the same time that he is becoming more like a boy and less like a baby. Of course this also means he's started to express his preferences much more strongly, and I've been surprised that my mild-mannered boy is maybe not so mild-mannered after all. At least not all the time. There's a lot I'm still trying to figure out - the whole discipline thing, and how much I want to make mealtimes a battle, for example. He's also been picking up a lot of words in the last couple of months. I try to speak to him in Chinese as much as I can, so most of what he says is in Chinese, but he's picked up on a few English words like blueberry and peekaboo (I guess there isn't a Chinese equivalent for that!), and his version of banana is "yaya".

I feel like I can't enjoy him enough, he just changes so fast.


  1. Haha, for blueberry I say lan mei, as in literally, blue berry. I'm not sure if it that's correct though!

  2. Yes, it is lan mei! But for some reason I tend to say blueberry instead. I wonder when he'll know that a word is in English vs Chinese and vice versa...

  3. is that colette in an orange box?? is that just something all girls do? isa has always been a fan of sitting in boxes too!

  4. yup, that's colette! silly girls :)

  5. he IS growing up too fast! i can't believe he's walking! and i love the way he analyzes things..his facial expressions are priceless! :P

  6. is that oscars very own "charlie" hahaa ;) - c

  7. you take really great photos! i just had a baby and was wondering what camera you used?

  8. thanks :) i used my husband's nikon D200 with a 50mm lens for these photos.

  9. He's so cute, congratulations! I actually prefer "yaya" than "banana"!

    Lovely pics, by the way.

    Camila F.

  10. Hey, it's so good to see Oscar again. I totally read what you wrote. Just enjoy the growing process.

    I'm having my first baby in June, and I'm very excited. It really warms my heart whenever I see your boy, and I share your bliss.

    God bless.

  11. beautiful blog:)lovely pics:)
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