October 18, 2010

weekend away

We spent this past weekend down by the coast with some good friends. Part of it was spent going out and about, but most of the time we just bummed around the house we rented and ate lots of good food. Definitely my kind of vacation.

I've been working on my 2011 pocket planners, which I hope to have in the shop by the end of the month. And believe it or not, Oscar will be turning one in about a month, so I've also been working on his birthday invites. It feels like this year has flown by without me doing much with my shop or creative pursuits, but I'm okay with that since a lot has happened. Parenthood is a pretty big life-changer and I guess I'm giving myself time to adapt and work things out.

Oh, and I have a few new holiday photo cards up at Cardstore.com and Snapfish too.


  1. Oh my goodness...that looks like the world's BEST banana split! Yum!!!

  2. Yah for weekends away. Nice to hear from you lady. Can't believe a year has almost gone by since Oscar was born!

  3. glad you had a great vacation! i missed seeing you guys!

  4. Well I'm glad that you're doing well with parenthood and maintaining your interest. Happy birthday in advance to Oscar!
