August 6, 2010

new toys for oscar

So far all the toys Oscar's been playing with are gifts from friends. Well, he's finally starting to get a little bored with the same old toys, so I went poking around on Etsy and found these lovely wooden toys. The teething toys and car is from here, and the helicopter is from here. I'm saving most of them for later this month when we're taking Oscar on his first plane ride. I'm a little nervous about traveling with him but super excited to see friends!

And just for fun, here is one of my favorite recent pictures of my little man. He's been getting incredibly active these past few days. Every diaper change is a battle as he twists and turns and just will not stay still. He is soaking up the world around him. It's such a joy just to watch him.


  1. Oh my goodness, he is such a cutie!

  2. a plane ride!! whee!!! :D so, I guess irving didn't make the toys, huh? heehee. they're super cute!

  3. Love love love love love!! Also, I'm finally starting to see a bit of Irving in Oscar. Before, it was all you. :P

  4. Yay! I see it! :) Still loving the little man in stripes.

  5. where are you guys going?! I can't believe how big he's getting!

  6. He's so cutet! Love the new banner, btw. :-)

  7. these toys are adorable, but not nearly as adorable as Oscar! :)

  8. I work for Little Sapling Toys! It's so great to see happy babies who love them :)
